Your Superhuman Mastermind

Your Superhuman Mastermind

Regular price $2,997.00

You are about to be UNSTOPPABLE. 

In 10 weeks, you will know how to reach Olympian level goals and vitality. While ACTUALLY feeling inner peace... 

Are you ready to find your Superhuman Frequency?

You, my friend, are no different than the professional athletes and world-renowned leaders and multimillion-dollar executives I work with. 

You are cosmic and already have success within you. However, you may:

  • Feel you want something more in life 
  • Be ready to align with higher levels of intuition 
  • Desire to tap in more deeply with your spiritual practices. 
  • Feel as if something is missing
  • Feel stuck, frustrated knowing you have more potential 
  • Be tired of the grind
  • Be experiencing health struggles 
  • Have anxiety, unable to sit with yourself in peace and consistent stress 
  • Want to tap into the blueprint of excellence, wellness & inner peace 
We are about to banish the feeling of ordinary and conquer the limits holding you back. 

We are about to up-level you to your superhuman frequency

Because there is another way. A better way. I’ve seen it for myself - and the incredible pro athletes and millionaire-business successes I work with. I’ve seen people go from struggling to hit their next financial plateau and having massive health issues to: 

  • Tapping into a deeper source of energy and feeling spiritually connected
  • Making millions of dollars and growing businesses in record time 
  • Having freedom from ongoing fatigue and chronic illness  
  • And so much more 

Tapping into the proven successes and transformations of NBA, WNBA, MLB, NFL, and NCAA coaches, executives and athletes I have coached coaches, CEOs at top companies, and All-Star pro athletes. This curriculum packages up the exact information and practices I use with my VIP clients. 


Twice a week group calls, you and a small, exclusive group of other spiritual warriors will be led in live zoom calls with these themes: 

Intro class March 1st (pick a time to join - 10 AM or 4 PM Pacific Time)

WEEKLY CALLS : Monday 12 PM & Thursday 5 PM Pacific time 

Week 1: Stress Reset & Brain-Focused Technique; Frequency Assessment 

Week 2: Discovering Epigenetic Markers; Wellness focus

Week 3: Cosmic Mindset & Possibilities | Actual potential vs perceived potential

Week 4: Life Visioning Process; setting the intentions and goals in a high frequency state

Week 5: Map of Consciousness (universal laws)

Week 6: How Quantum Physics Can Improve (quantum entanglement and quantum triangle, quantum luck) 

Week 7: Intuition: How to become really intuitive and why intuition is important? Intuition strategy and its relationship to leadership.

Week 8: Conscious Leadership and Conscious Wealth (law of receiving) 

Week 9: 5 Bodies Theory: Emotional Body, Prevent Disease, Quickly get rid of an injury or illness ) Immune System & Inflammaging

Week 10: Superpowers & Dream Intention/Integration

We start March 1st.

Would you like a day with me as your intuitive strategist and holistic practitioner to help you get past the health issues you struggle with? I'll fly to your place (in the US or Canada) and we will spend two half days which includes two additional sessions and two half day intuitive strategy sessions. That program is $4997


Or... just the mastermind without the visit and invest less than what one day with me would be: $2,997. 

You have something special the world needs, and we want to help you unlock it. 

Sign up below to get started! 


Contact Laura with any questions 310.592.9053


Who is this best for? 

This is ideal for anyone who wants peak performance, particularly in their health, career and business. Do you want to tap into your spiritual practices more deeply? It’s especially great for professionals who are already successful but know they can achieve higher levels and feel more in their purpose for their financial and business goals, as well as health ambitions. 

How much time does this take a week? 

I know you’re already busy, so my goal is to make this hyper-effective and maximize your time…not drain it. Two group sessions per week for one hour each.
Plus Q/A and weekly meditation offerings.

How many people will be in this group? 

I want this to maintain the accountability, connection, and support that best comes from a smaller group. I am making sure this feels like an excellent, curated fit and won’t have any more  than 20 people. At times I will break the 20 into smaller groups to make sure you get the attention and connection you need to get tremendous value. It may be smaller or closer to that number, feeling into the #1 factor: That this group feels like the ambitious, excited powerhouse ready to break free and create amazing magic while feeling healthy. 

What time will the weekly calls be? What if I can’t make them? 

Mondays at 12 PM and Thursdays at 5pm pacific time.

All sessions are recorded and will be available to watch anytime.