Why Do So Many Superstars Get Injured Each Year During Playoffs?

Why Do So Many Superstars Get Injured Each Year During Playoffs?

Top Three Reasons Players Get Injured When it Matters Most

by Laura M Wilde

Founder, Sports Energy Medicine 

1. Mental Weakness , Mental Resistance or Hesitancies

2. Inability to get into the Zone

3. Self Sabotaging (Subconscious) Programming Thoughts

...We all feel sorry for players when they get injured right before or during playoffs. "Aww, dang," we say, "this could have been our year!" We shake our heads in disbelief and sports sadness.

Some of you are gonna not like this FACT, but injuries are more than just physical.

They're rooted in emotional and mental static or stagnation within the injured athlete. In fact, any injury or illness is rooted in emotional and/or mental imbalance. These are often beyond our conscious mind's understanding so there is no blame or shame to the athlete. We just need to correct it.

So what's the solution? Holistic Sports Energy Medicine. 

Good News!

With just a few Holistic Sports Energy Medicine sessions (each includes mental resilience training and holistic healing) players will overcome deeply-seated mental weakness and mediocrity. Players become aware of what their blocks are. These sessions can greatly improve the athlete's chance to become a mentally strong person - so strong that their ankles, knees, shoulders, etc reflect that strength - and the athlete stops being the guy or girl who gets injured every time it matters most.

1. Mental Weakness or Hesitancies

ANY athlete who nearly always gets injured during playoffs or the championship series is mentally weak. I know people will hate this fact, but I have nearly two decades of holistic healing under my belt and I've seen it enough to rest my career on this statement. I'm not saying athletes don't roll their ankles on someone else's foot - or that they don't get whacked in the nose, etc. It's just that when we have the static of fear or uncertainty in our emotional body or in our thoughts - we have just aligned ourselves to the state of being injured instead of a state of strength.

Because words and thoughts are powerful vibrations - we truly do create from our subconscious minds. So don't leave your subconscious mind unchecked. Awareness is the gift.

2. Inability to get into the zone

Injuries go down 100% when you're truly in the zone. FACTS! Sadly, 99% of the human population is unable to get into the zone when they need or want to. But you can learn. It's simple. After nearly 20 years of peak performance teaching and alpha mind training for athletes, I've developed a proprietary formula to get into the zone. Great News! Anyone can build a clear and automatic path to the zone. Then you'll get there on command. The Cosmic Zone will be a life changer for any athlete. Check out my app to get cosmic zone training. www.thecosmicarena.com

3. Self Sabotage

We all WANT to win, right? Maybe... Because maybe somewhere inside of us behind our traumas and fears - being the best feels scary. Do you want to win with every fiber of your being?

Not really...because deep on the inside being great scares us. Why is that? If we are great today we will have to be great tomorrow. And the next day and the next day... Being great sounds tiring to the brain - because it merely wants to survive.

Sometimes the fear we have is a fear of success - far more than a fear of failure. So...our fear, doubt and worry keeps us mired in self sabotaging behaviors.

Mediocrity is our human default. Being great - the state of excellence is something we'll have to overcome our biology to reach. But it's possible - when you learn to access the zone and receive holistic sports medicine sessions to help your brain stop defaulting to fear and doubt and worry. Imagination and creativity lead to peak performance. Soon, excellence will be your default and a healthy body will be your reward.

 Click here to sign up for your sports energy medicine package.




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